WCCF Gives 2024 Check Contribution Form
Download the 2024 WCCF Gives Check Contribution Form
The WCCF Gives Contribution Form can help your charity to raise more during the Day of Giving.
The form includes information about giving by check and lists all of the particpating charities. Don’t forget to remind donors that gifts to multiple charities can be made with a single check and that a completed check form must accompany all check donations.
If you have questions about this year’s event, please call the Foundation at 724-222-6330.
Social Media Help
Social media is a cost effective way to communicate with donors and the general community. If you need any help creating your social media pages, contact our team at marketing@wccf.net.
Post Examples
In your social media posts, include a compelling photo, WCCF Gives logo, and link to your page on WCCFGives.org
- Sample post for June through September 18, 2024:
You can help (short description of your charitable program) by making a gift to us through WCCF Gives. Checks should be issued to “WCCF” and mailed to the WCCF at PO Box 308, Eighty Four, PA 15330. Please mail your check now to ensure that (short description of who/what will benefit).
- Sample post for September 19, 2024:
You can help (short description of charitable program) by making a gift to us today through WCCF Gives. Credit card contributions will be accepted today from 8 am through 8 pm through WCCFGives.org. (with the link). Rather give by check? Checks should be issued to “WCCF” and mailed today to the WCCF at PO Box 308, Eighty Four, PA 15330. With your support, (short description of who/what will benefit).
Post Tips
- During the WCCF Gives giving window, post memorable and notable stories about your organization.
- Share the WCCF’s posts from our Facebook page.
- Create engagement by using a strong visual photo that strikes an emotion.
eNewsletter and eBlasts
Include an impact story and compelling photo in your eNewsletters and eBlasts during the giving window. You can add the WCCF Gives logo which is downloadable on this page.
Sample Letters
We recommend charities always use their own letterhead when sending out appeal and donor recognition letters.